Fine decorative wallpapers
If you want to achieve greater cosiness in the interior and you have had enough of monotonous walls, wallpapers are the right choice for you. Wallpapers breathe a sense of uniqueness and exquisiteness into the interior.
In our studio you can discover a wide range of decorative wallpapers from the world’s leading designers and manufacturers. Whether it is classic wallpapers or modern design wallpapers, everyone can choose from us.
English fine decorative wallpapers in our collection are represented by the Sanderson Design Group which includes among its prestigious brands the historically-based Morris & Co. In addition we have the excellent English collections from ROMO and also Anna French.
Our wallpaper portfolio is especially distinguished by the complete collection of the venerable American company Thibaut (which now owns the English company Anna French too).
And we have quite a special line of artistic wallpapers from companies in Italy and in Poland.